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Drought in France

In France, the drought system cuts across two different administrative structures: 

  • The water management structure, which follows the geographical limits of the watersheds, a homogeneous unit from the point of view of water,
  • The alert structure, which follows the administrative boundaries of the state organization: the Departments.

When a water shortage is felt in a watershed, each concerned Department issues a decree to restrict water uses. This decree is issued by the Prefecture, and sent to all the mayors concerned.

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Example of an overlap map between the Watershed and the Department


Drought alert and lawn maintenance: we tell you everything!

Drought alert, lawn maintenance? How to maintain your garden despite the water restrictions linked to episodes of drought?

Drought alert

A drought alert is a water shortage signal issued by a department for one or more of its Watershed

There are 4 alert levels in France. Each introduces increasingly strict mechanisms for controlling the use of water, and for each of the categories of users: individuals, agriculture, as well as industry. 

The 4 levels are: 

  • Vigilance: no restrictions, but awareness of a situation that is becoming abnormal,
  • Alert: first threshold for reducing consumption. For example, lawn watering allowed between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. 
  • Reinforced Alert: each Department sets its rule; in general, watering vegetable gardens becomes prohibited during the day.
  • Crisis: in general, all non-priority withdrawals for food and health security are prohibited.

In 2019, according to our own calculations during the period from May 14 to October 14, there were up to 70 departments of the metropolis in drought alert situation, therefore with water use restrictions. 20 were at Ultimate Level: Crisis.

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Example of a drought map on August 7, 2019 (source

Lawn maintenance

Difficult to maintain your lawn with water restrictions. You should know that a lawn can consume up to 8 L of water per m² to be maintained. But, with Vegetal Color Green it requires much less. Indeed, with 1 L of Vegetal Color Green diluted in 8 L of water, you can cover an area of up to 200 m². The coloring is then eliminated with the regrowth of the grass.

Your lawn will be green again in a few moments and in a 100 % natural way. So you can now fully enjoy your garden.

In addition to having a beautiful lawn, you also save water and avoid the risk of fines linked to water restrictions ranging from €1,500 to €3,000 in the event of a repeat offence.

Drought alert, lawn maintenance For any other question, contact us by clicking here !